The following files are available as MP3 files for instant download.
2025 Ordinary Time
02-02-2025 - The Presentation of Our Lord - Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience
01-26-2025 - 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time - A Year Acceptable to the Lord
01-19-2025 - 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time - Epiphany, Part 3
2025 Christmas Season
01-12-2025 - 2nd Sunday of Christmas - The Baptism of the Lord/Epiphany
2018 Ordinary Time
6-03-2018-Corpus Christi-
5-27-2018-Most Holy Trinity-
2018 Easter
5-13-2018-The Ascension-
5-6-2018-6th Sunday of Easter-
4-29-2018-5th Sunday of Easter-
4-22-2018-4th Sunday of Easter-
4-15-2018-3rd Sunday of Easter-
4-8-2018-Divine Mercy Sunday-
4-1-2018-Easter Sunday-Jesus is Christ is truly risen; no April Fool's.
3-31-2018-Easter Vigil-Byron Bickell: A single light can pierce the darkness of the night.
2018 Lent
3-30-2018-Good Friday-Cardinal Lustiger: "Jesus died on the Cross for me, but I don't care?"
3-29-2018-Holy Thursday-
3-25-2018-Palm Sunday-St. Clare "empties herself" of the world on Palm Sunday and gives herself "totally" to Christ
3-19-2018-Solemnity of St Joseph-In humility "steps aside" to allow the Holy Spirit to be Mary's exclusive spouse.
3-18-2018-5th Sunday of Lent-Covenant: "I am yours, and you are mine."
3-11-2018-4th Sunday of Lent-Covenant: Exile and Return
3-4-2018-3rd Sunday of Lent-Covenant with Moses
2-25-2018-2nd Sunday of Lent-Covenant with Abraham
2-18-2018-1st Sunday of Lent-Covenant with Noah
2-14-2018-Ash Wednesday
2018 Ordinary Time
2-11-2018-6th Sunday -
2-4-2018-5th Sunday-The Vocation of Job
1-28-2018-4th Sunday-The Vocation of Moses
1-21-2018-3rd Sunday-The Vocation of Jonah
1-14-2018-2nd Sunday-The Vocation of Samuel
2017 Christmas
1-7-2018-The Epiphany-Auden's Christmas Oratorio
1-1-2018-Mary Mother of God-He is our Peace
12-31-2017-Holy Family-Abraham & Sarah and Simeon & Anna: Family members "advanced in years" and full of hope.
12-25-2017-Christmas Day Mass-Proclaim
12-24-2017-Christmas Midnight Mass-O Holy Night Radio Broadcast of 1906
2017 Advent
12-24-2017-4th Sunday of Advent-Behold
12-17-2017-3rd Sunday of Advent-Rejoice
12-10-2017-2nd Sunday of Advent-Prepare
12-08-2017-Immaculate Conception
12-03-2017-1st Sunday of Advent-Watch
2017 Ordinary Time
11-26-2017-Christ the King-The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy in the Life of St. Peter Claver
11-23-2017-Thanksgiving-Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro: "In all circumstances, give thanks."
11-19-2017-33rd Sunday-The talents of Blessed Solanus Casey
11-12-2017-32nd Sunday-"I believe in the Resurrection of the Body."
11-5-2017-31st Sunday-The Prophet Malachi's warning to priests who do not preach the Truth
11-1-2017-All Saints Day-"He saved us and called us to be Saints."
Please see the "October Pro-Life Mini Series" Section during the month of October
9-10-2017-23rd Sunday-"Owe nothing to anyone except the debt that binds us to love one another"
9-3-2017-22nd Sunday-Take up your cross
8-27-2017-21st Sunday-Lunatic, Liar, or Lord?
8-20-2017-20th Sunday-"Great is your faith!"
8-15-2017-The Assumption-Mary:First Fruit
8-6-2017-The Transfiguration of the Lord-Listen to Him
7-30-2017-17th Sunday-Romans 8:28
7-2-2017-13th Sunday-Elisha and Christ - "Whoever receives you receives me"
6-25-2017-12th Sunday-"Do not be afraid of them"
6-18-2017-Corpus Christi- Corpus Christi and the Priesthood
6-11-2017-Pentecost-Who is the Holy Spirit
2017 Easter
5-28-2017-Ascension-Jesus has the Power!
5-21-2017-6th Sunday of Easter-Calling Down the Fire of the Holy Spirit on the Samaritans
5-14-2017-5th Sunday of Easter-Our Lady of Fatima - "What do you want of me?"
5-7-2017-4th Sunday of Easter-The Good Shepherd Feeds His Sheep
4-30-2017-3rd Sunday of Easter-Emmaus: Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist
4-23-2017-Divine Mercy Sunday-Caravaggio's Incredulity of St Thomas
4-16-2017-Easter Sunday-Jesus defeated the enemy! -and the Battle of Waterloo
4-15-2017-Easter Vigil-The Fourth Watch of the Night-Exodus 14:24
2017 Lent
4-14-2017-Good Friday-Leviticus 14:1-9-Two birds for purification
4-13-2017-Holy Thursday-The Eurcharist and the Priesthood:"I will not leave you orphans"
4-9-2017-Palm Sunday-A Donkey and a Colt
4-2-2017-5th Sunday of Lent-Jesus Gives Me What I Really Want: To Never Die
3-26-2017-4th Sunday of Lent-How the Blind Man Saw Jesus
3-19-2017-3rd Sunday of Lent-Give Me a Drink
3-12-2017-2nd Sunday of Lent-Big Picture
3-5-2017-1st Sunday of Lent-3 Temptations, 3 Remedies
2017 Ordinary Time
2-26-2017-8th Sunday-Don't Worry
2-19-2017-7th Sunday-Six Antithesis - continued
2-12-2017-6th Sunday-Six Antithesis
2-5-2017-5th Sunday-"You are salt of the earth"
1-29-2017-4th Sunday-Jesus the Master Teacher-The Sermon on the Mount
1-22-2017-3rd Sunday-Church Unity Octave
1-15-2017-2nd Sunday-"It is too little for you to be my servant"
2016 Christmas
1-8-2017-Epiphany-Let Us Adore Him
1-1-2017-Mary Mother of God-Council of Ephesus
12-25-2016-Christmas-Nativity Scene at LHS
2016 Advent
12-18-2016-4th Sunday of Advent-Trusting God's Plan
12-11-2016-3rd Sunday of Advent-The Virtue of Patience
12-4-2016-2nd Sunday of Advent-Fire
11-27-2016-1st Sunday of Advent-St Augustine and Romans 13:12-14
2016 Ordinary Time
11-13-2016-33rd Sunday-The Day of Justice and the Year of Mercy
11-6-2016-32nd Sunday-Voting Pro-Life
11-1-2016-All Saints Day-William Gladstone
Please see the "October Pro-Life Mini Series" Section during the month of October
8-15-2016-Feast of the Assumption
8-14-2016-20th Sunday-The statue of Cristo Redentor in Rio: "keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus."
7-24-2016-17th Sunday-The Mercy of Sodom and Gomorrah
7-17-2016-16th Sunday-One is Necessary
6-19-2016-12th Sunday-He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers
6-12-2016-11th Sunday-The Spirit of Compunction
6-5-2016-10th Sunday-The Three Widows from Zarephath, Nain, and Nazareth
5-29-2016-Corpus Christi-Reparation for sins against the Sacrament of Love
5-22-2016-Trinity Sunday-Summa Cum Laude
2016 Easter
5-8-2016-Ascension-The Ascension and Eagles
5-1-2016-6th Sunday of Easter-"Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."
4-24-2016-5th Sunday of Easter-"Behold, I make all things new."
4-17-2016-4th Sunday of Easter-"No one can snatch them out of my hand."
4-10-2016-3rd Sunday of Easter-"Do you love me more than these...?"
4-3-2016-Divine Mercy Sunday-Pope St. John Paul II died on the eve of Divine Mercy Sunday, Saturday, April 2, 2005:"How much the world needs to understand and accept Divine Mercy!"
3-27-2016-Easter Sunday-"Everyone who believes in Him will receive forgiveness of sins through His Name"
3-26-2016-Easter Vigil-Jesus is the Answer: The Light, the Word, the Water, and the Bread of Life.
2016 Lent
3-25-2016-Good Friday-The Annunciation and Good Friday: The Beginning and the Consummation of our Redemption
3-24-2016-Holy Thursday-The Eternal, High Sacerdos gives us His Sacred Body and Blood; He gives men a share in His Sacred Priesthood
3-20-2016-Palm Sunday-"If they keep silent, the stones will cry out!"
3-13-2016-5th Sunday of Lent-A Great Misery and a Great Mercy
3-6-2016-4th Sunday of Lent-The Joy of Forgiving
2-28-2016-3rd Sunday of Lent-Jesus, the gardener, and Michelangelo
2-21-2016-2nd Sunday of Lent-Becoming fully awake, they saw His Glory
2-14-2016-1st Sunday of Lent-And he departed from Him for a time
2-10-2016-Ash Wednesday-Become Missionaries of Mercy
2016 Ordinary Time
12-7-2016-5th Sunday-'Duc in Altum' is the remedy to complacency
1-24-2016-3rd Sunday-A Year Acceptable to the Lord
1-17-2016-2nd Sunday-Woman, how does your concern affect me?
2015 Christmas
1-10-2016-The Baptism of the Lord-He saved us through the bath of rebirth because of His Mercy
1-3-2016-The Epiphany-The Magi: Patron Saints of the Year of Mercy Pilgrimage
1-1-2016-Mary, Mother of God-Mary: Mediatrix and Aqueduct of Mercy
12-27-2015-The Holy Family-Pope Francis: "God came into the world in a family with a heart open to love."
12-25-2015-Christmas-The threefold birth of Christ
2015 Advent
12-20-2015-4th Sunday of Advent-Our Lord's Christmas Present is Mercy, wrapped in the humble hands of a priest in the Sacrament of Penance
12-13-2015-3rd Sunday of Advent-Jubilee Doors and Indulgences
12-8-2015-Immaculate Conception-Mother of Mercy
12-6-2015-2nd Sunday of Advent-Confessing the sin of abortion during the Jubilee of Mercy
11-29-2015-1st Sunday of Advent-A Jubilee Year of Mercy...and Justice
2015 Ordinary Time
11-25-2015-Thanksgiving-George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation
11-22-2015-Christ the King-Christ: the King of Society
11-8-2015-32nd Sunday-Two Widows: Totus Tuus
11-2-2015-All Souls Day-Purgatory: Not just waiting for the bus for heaven!
11-1-2015-All Saints Day-Thomas Merton: "What do you want to be, anyway?"
Please see the "October Pro-Life Mini Series" Section during the month of October
9-27-2015-26th Sunday-St Katharine Drexel: "What about you?"
9-20-2015-25th Sunday-"He must be the last of all and the servant of all"
9-13-2015-24th Sunday-"Both Faith and Works Together are Necessary for Salvation"
9-6-2015-23rd Sunday-"God chose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith"
8-30-2015-22nd Sunday-"What great nation is there that has gods so close to it as the Lord, Our God, is to us?"
8-23-2015-21st Sunday-Episode V-The Fruits of Holy Communion
8-16-2015-20th Sunday-Episode IV-How to receive Holy Communion
8-15-2015-The Assumption-"Because He who is Mighty has done great things to me"
8-9-2015-19th Sunday-Episode III-Who can receive Holy Communion
8-2-2015-18th Sunday-Episode II-Preparing for Holy Communion
7-26-2015-17th Sunday-Episode I-Transubstantiation
7-12-2015-15th Sunday-"We exist for the praise of His glory"
6-14-2015-11th Sunday-"We are always courageous"
5-31-2015-Trinity Sunday-St. Augustine and the Trinity
2015 Easter
5-10-2015-6th Sunday of Easter- "No one has greater love than this: to lay down your life"
5-3-2015-5th Sunday of Easter-Remain in Me
4-19-2015-3rd Sunday of Easter-"It tasted like wafers made with honey."
4-12-2015-Divine Mercy Sunday-Mercy is Not What We Deserve
4-5-2015-Easter Sunday- "We Want God!"- Victory Square, Warsaw
4-4-2015-Easter Vigil-This is the Night
2015 Lent
4-3-2015-Good Friday-When I Survey the Wonderous Cross
4-2-2015-Holy Thursday-Priesthood and Eucharist - Gift and Mystery
3-29-2015-Palm Sunday-St Teresa of Avila's 500th Birthday
3-22-2015-5th Sunday of Lent-The Tomb
3-15-2015-4th Sunday of Lent-The Pool
3-8-2015-3rd Sunday of Lent-The Well
3-1-2015-2nd Sunday of Lent-"Climb Every Mountain"
2-22-2015-1st Sunday of Lent-The Desert
2-18-2015-Ash Wednesday-Lent = Spring
2015 Ordinary Time
2-15-2015-6th Sunday in Ordinary Time-Septuagesima
2-8-2015-5th Sunday in Ordinary Time-Strengthening Marriage Strengthens Consecrated Life
2-1-2015-4th Sunday in Ordinary Time-Moses:Four Excuses
1-25-2015-3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time-Jonah:"You can run, but you can't hide"
1-18-2015-2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time-Samuel: "Speak Lord for Your Servant is Listening"
2014 Christmas
1-11-2015-Baptism of the Lord-The Universal Call to Holiness
1-1-2015-Mary, Mother of God-Mary holding Jesus
12-28-2014-Holy Family-"Remain faithful to what you have learned and believed."
12-25-2014-Christmas-Christmas Peace of 1914
2014 Advent
12-21-2014-4th Sunday of Advent-The Evangelical Counsel of Obedience
12-14-2014-3rd Sunday of Advent-The Evangelical Counsel of Chastity
12-8-2014-Immaculate Conception - Miraculous Medal - " O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee"
12-7-2014-2nd Sunday of Advent-The Evangelical Counsel of Poverty
11-30-2014-1st Sunday of Advent-Year of Consecrated Life
2014 Ordinary Time
11-27-2014-Thanksgiving-"Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen" by O. Henry
11-23-2014 - Christ the King - "Viva Cristo Rey!"
11-2-2014 - All Souls Day - Purgatory
11-1-2014 - All Saints Day - Saints: Helping Us to Reach the Summit of Perfection
9-28-2014-26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Change Your Mind!
9-15-2014-Triumph of the Cross - Lifting High the Cross in Lithuania
9-7-2014-23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - "Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another"
8-24-2014 - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Caesarea-Philippi
8/17/2014 - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - "We beg, O Lord"
8/15/2014 - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - The San Clemente Fresco of the Assumption
8/10/2014 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - "Into Great Silence"
8/3/2014 - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - "Jesus really satisfies."
7/20/2014 - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Weeds and Wheat
7/13/2014 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Three Roadblocks to Hearing God's Word
6/29/2014 - Sts. Peter and Paul - "On this rock I will build my Church."
6/22/2014 - Corpus Christi - John 6:51-69
6-15-2014 - Trinity Sunday - The privilege of calling God: Father
2014 Easter
6/8/2014 - Pentecost - "Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth."
5/25/2014 - 6th Sunday of Easter - "I will not leave you orphans."
5/18/2014 - 5th Sunday of Easter - Valedictorian Speech
5/4/2014 - 3rd Sunday of Easter - Ad Orientem
4/27/2014 - Divine Mercy Sunday - Two New Saints: St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II
4/20/2014 - Easter Sunday - Let the Joy of the Resurrection ring out!
4/19/2014 - Easter Vigil - The Pillar of Fire leads us into the Church
2014 Lent
4/18/2014 - Good Friday - "May His Blood be upon us and upon our children."
4/17/2014 - Holy Thursday - This is My Body which will be "handed over" for you
4/13/2014 - Palm Sunday - "The whole city was shaken."
4/6/2014 - 5th Sunday of Lent - "He was dead and has come back to life."
3/30/2014 - 4th Sunday of Lent - "Christ will give you light."
3/23/2014 - 3rd Sunday of Lent - "Give me a Drink."
3/16/2014 - 2nd Sunday of Lent - Disfigured by sin; Transformed by grace
3/9/2014 - 1st Sunday of Lent - St. Ignatius: Discernment of Spirits
3/5/2014 - Ash Wednesday - "Return to me with your whole heart."
2014 Ordinary Time
2/23/2014 - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time - "The Lord is Kind and Merciful."
2/16/2014 - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - External Actions and Interior Attitudes
2/9/2014 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Marriage: Salt and Light for the world
2/2/2014 - Presentation of the Lord - Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience
1/26/2014 - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - "Be united in the same mind and the same purpose."
1/19/2014 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - "Be holy as I am Holy."
1/12/2014 - Baptism of the Lord - "I remind you: you are still under oath."
2013 Christmas
1/5/2014 - Epiphany - "What can I give Him, poor as I am?"
1/1/2014 - Mary, the Holy Mother of God - "Home is where the Mother is."
12/29/2013 - Holy Family - "Clothe yourself in the Love of the Holy Family."
12/25/2013 - Christmas Day - "And the WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us."
12/25/2013 - Christmas Midnight - At Midnight there was a cry: "Behold the Bridegroom cometh!"
2013 Advent
12/22/2013 - 4th Sunday of Advent - "You will call him Jesus because He will save His people from their sins."
12/15/2013 - 3rd Sunday of Advent - "Here is your God. He comes to save us."
12/8/2013 - Immaculate Conception - "He chose us to be holy and immaculate in His sight."
12/8/2013 - 2nd Sunday of Advent - MASS EXODUS; He calls us out of darkness into His Light.
12/1/2013 - 1st Sunday of Advent - "Stir up our hearts."
2013 Ordinary Time
11/28/2013 - Thanksgiving - All ten lepers receive Baptism, but only one comes to Mass.
11/24/2013 - Christ the King - "I want this Man to be my King."
11/10/2013 - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Courage of the Seven Brothers
11/3/2013 - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - "Shortcomings" bring us closer to Jesus
11/2/2013 - All Souls Day - In solidarity with the Holy Souls in Purgatory
11/1/2013 - All Saints Day - "I have a burning desire to be saint."
For October sermons, go to the October Pro-life Mini Series page.
9/29/2013 - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Who is the Lazarus in my life?
9/15/2013 - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - "I have been mercifully treated."
9/8/2013 - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Onesimus
9/1/2013 - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Humility
8/25/2013 - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - God disciplines those whom He loves.
8/18/2013 - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Lighthouse and "Keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus."
8/15/2013 - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - "We don't 'assume'; we know by Faith!"
8/11/2013 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. Thomas Aquinas on Faith
7/28/2013 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - "Lord, teach us to pray."
7/14/2013 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The allegorical meaning of the Good Samaritan
7/7/2013 - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - "Whoever listens to you, listens to me."
6/23/2013 - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. John Fisher - "Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it."
5/26/2013 - Trinity Sunday - "I have much more to tell you."